Wacky Times at the Not-So-Kid Place

Heya peepulz, if you ever thinked about where the big kiddos go for funzies, lemme tell ya: the adult club! Now, don’t get me wronged, this ain’t about those kiddie playgrounds with the slides and swingy things. No, sir. This be the place where the “grown-up” kiddos be hanging.

First off, why you go to adult club? Sometimes, peepulz be feeling the lonely-lonelies. Sometimes they wants to dance the night with some loud boomy music that make your tootsies hurt. Or maybe you just wanna sip some fizzy drinkies and watch other peepulz make the fool out of themself.

I been to the adult club once… or maybe twices. I not remember too goodly. But the lights! Oh boy, they be all flashy-flashy and sometimes you think you in some space movie. But no aliens here, just peepulz looking for the fun times.

Now, one of the big things you sees in the adult club be the shiny disco ball. It be like big ol’ sparkle in the sky. Makes you think if it fall, all the peepulz gonna run like the bowling pins. Ha! Funny thought, right?

Also, if you be thinking the adult club is just for the younglings, oh ho ho, you be wronged! I seen some grandmamas and grandpapas shaking their old booties like they in the twenties! Makes you think age just a number in the adult club.

Now, for the peepulz thinking adult club only for naughty-naughties, no no. Sure, there some smoochies and huggy-huggies, but mostly it just peepulz wanting to let out the steamy-steam from the worky week.

So next time you feel the bored-bored, maybe give the adult club a go-go. Just remember to keep the funnies and don’t do the silly-sillies. The adult club awaits!

Stay groovy, my peepulz!